Homepage - the first impression you don't know you are making

Homepage - the first impression you don't know you are making

Your regular visitors and customers aren't the only ones peeking into the showcase of your  homepage. That's why you need to remember that you often reference your homepage also from various profiles  on social networks, contact pages or cooperation offers and that also your friends or satisfied customers might link to your pages.

Because in most cases, these links lead to your homepage (either www.juicyfolio.com or http://juicyfolio.com - you can find more about proper linking to your website here). And that is why you need to be prepared for all the people that will visit your website.

And this is important not only because of the social networks (and automatically loaded information within shared links), but also for Internet search engines. Because if anyone stumbles across a link to your homepage, they will mostly remember its headline. Many of our customers don't pay enough attention to their homepage, which is a big mistake.

Correct Referencing to Your Website

Start with the headline

Besides the content, the first thing automatic systems will load to your homepage is the headline of the specific page. This headline consists of the name of your website, where we recommend to put your name or brand (depends on how do you promote yourself), and a title of your homepage.

To this title, we recommend you to add the basic essence of your effort and main business. It needs to be short, meaningful, and accurate, but at the same time it can't be duplicate. Don't try to fill your title with all of the keywords for search engines.

Any forceful pushing of the keywords to the search engines will look silly, because they will consist of meaningless gibberish knitted for the Web crawlers.

Manage Your Homepage

How it should look

Name of the website: Jara Sijka

Title of the homepage: extreme sports, lifestyle and editorial

How it definitely should not look

Name of the website: Thomas Anderson, wedding photographer, portrait photographer, children photographer

Title of the homepage: children photo, photographer New York, photographer New York City, photo USA, wedding photographer, wedding photo, cheap wedding photography

Same as with any other work with your portfolio, you should write about what you want to do, do what you want to do, and show what you have references on. If nobody had paid you for what you would like to do, do a few projects for free or in collaboration with someone. It will help you to get where you want to be (people often don't know what they can get, so they won't even ask for it).

It's reasonable for other pages to also have suitable titles like for example Contact, Services, etc. At the same time try not to add too much stuff in it.

Adding link to Facebook

A suitable content to your title

It's probably most practical to have a welcoming text combined with a preview of your work on your homepage. The best way is if if you change your homepage every few weeks - the simplest way to achieve this is by using Last galleries or Last media, which are just some of the ways to promote your homepage. You can learn more about all of the homepage possibilities in this article.